Is there an easy way to combine shapes to make a custom overlapping volume?

I want to use OnComponentBeginOverlap to trigger an event, but i cant use a Box, a Sphere or a Capsule, i need more complex forms. If I could combine two or more boxes to trigger the same event i would solve the problem but I don’t know if I can do that, and i cant find any info about it. Also i need it to not register the EndOverlap event until the overlaped actor is out of the two volumes

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You can put multiple collision volumes in a blueprint, and then use ‘on begin overlap’ instead of OnComponentBeginOverlap.

Hi, and thaks for your reply.
I think i must be doing something wrong though.
This is my BP for testing

I placed this event clicking here
While having this element highlighted

When i first placed the event on the eventGraph it looked like this
So I don’t know if i should be using a delegate (which i dont really know how to use), or if I’m doing something else wrong…

Should my code work or am I doing anything wrong?

(I’ve checked my collisions and they aree set up all right, and they work if I use OnComponentBeginOverlap)

Just do it like this



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I don’t know how i didn’t notice that. Don’t tell anyone :shushing_face:

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