Is there a way to turn off vertex snapping in the level editor?

Hi there, I’ve been having this problem where whenever I put a static mesh or and any Bsp brush in my level, I cannot freely move them. They always snap to other meshes (also when snapping, blue dots are displayed in the editor and vertices of the meshes they are trying to snap on)

Thanks in advance.


#Old Vertex Snap Implementation

That is the old vertex snap implementation you are experiencing

normally it is activated by holding down the V key while using the transform widget

#V Key

Try pressing v a few times

it seem as though UE4 thinks you are pressing down the V Key all the time



oh wow thanks Rama, that solution worked just as said
thanks a lot, God bless


Im also having this problem yet holding down ‘V’ tapping down ‘V’ but its not helping. When i try and translate the mesh it gets caught on other meshes and all the vertex’s seem to be locking to other mesh’s.

Expand the translate snapping options in the top right corner to disable Surface Snapping.

The locations makes a lot of sense except that all other snapping options are under Settings or Editor Preferences. It would be nice if these options were collected in one place.



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