I have a level sequence playing with many actors in it, but I’d like the player to interrupt one of the actors in the sequence if the player clicks on them. The sequence should keep playing and the other actors in it should be unaffected. Is there a way to do this? If so, what if the actor was set up as a spawnable in the level sequence?
Can’t find a way to have the sequencer unpossess a certain actor. I’ll look at the code.
Looking at the source, I don’t see a way. Without a re-write, I’m going to say destroying the actor in the sequence and creating a new actor in the same location,rotation,and animation that the original had is the only way.
EDIT: destroying the actor doesn’t work. If a sequencer keyframe hits later on after you’ve destroyed the actor, then the actor gets re-spawned and put back into the scene. Any solutions other than not using the sequencer?
u can drop a node : is playing; branch ,true?destory actor if sequcence actor is playing , and create a new level sequence player to play ,false? u,create new one ?ok?