Is there a way to stop wildlife from chasing player?

I was hoping it will stop after player is teleported far far a way. But if I teleport back within 20 sec, chase is still on.
Only way to stop is by killing player.
Is there some trick with some additional device? Maybe to broadcast that player died.

You could start with something like this, you’d need to trigger “TameAllWildlifeBy” for a specific agent.

using { / }
using { / }

wildlife_tamer_device := class(creative_device):

    WildlifeSpawners: []wildlife_spawner_device = array{}

    TameAllWildlifeBy<public>(Agent: agent): void =
        for (Wildlife : WildlifeSpawners):
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I tried with taming, but as soon as you untame them, they start attacking.

If taming isn’t permanent, perhaps you could loop-sleep and re-tame them every 30 seconds or so, that should be basically free CPU-wise.

Thanks LoPing. Problem is that there are other players in the game that might be fighting some of the wildlife that I am taming.
I think I’ll just design my map around this and wait for some native support for it. Maybe there will be some property in the future.
In my experience with engines like this, if feature is not natively supported, hacking some solution around it never works very good.