Is there a way to spawn multiple devices & props from one blueprint class?

Specifically, let’s say you have a custom Enemy “NPC” model that has a hitbox prop(Wall prop), prop manipulator (To set the health of the NPC), and a mutator zone device all attached to the NPC’s model (So it moves with the NPC). Currently, once the manipulator has been destroyed the prop is deleted and there’s no way I know of to prevent it from destroying the hitbox prop. So once you’ve “killed” the NPC, you can’t reset/restore the hitbox prop and fight him again without either A: spawning a fresh version of the NPC (which I can’t figure out a way to do) OR B: pre-spawning many copies of the NPC and just storing them in an array so once you’ve killed one, the next one is moved in its place.

Is there a way to spawn a “fresh” NPC setup from verse with the correct devices/device settings that will still be attached to the model?

So the hierarchy for this NPC looks like this:

  • NPC Model Prop
    – Mutator Zone (To kill/injure players if they get too close)
    – Wall Prop (Hitbox)
    — Prop Manipulator (Health of hitbox prop)