Hi I would like to know if there a way To Spawn Grass on top of Static meshes via Material like the way we do it in the landscape material?
I have an open world, and I use a lot of cliffs to extend the landscape. I could use the foliage tools, but this method is very time consuming and start to freeze the editor, the more I paint.
I’ve attempted to use PCG, but I’m unable to achieve the desired results.
There is my game map, And there is a lot of Rock and cliffs to add grass on.
You could place spawn nodes on top of the meshes and use a get random location in nav radius to spawn a ton of static meshes, that would be very ineffective though. Foliage brush would be best bet outside procedural
Also reducing draw distance should greatly improve performance I don’t think any AAA games are drawing grass as far as your soonest out in these images, and maybe setup lod for tress and rocks if you’ve not already
I already tried this method, that was ineffective and the game had 5 FPs. I Have no idea how Genshin Dev manage to do that, but maybe there is a way to do that in Unity.
Only thing I can think of then is reduce draw distances and optimize code, map looks really nice but id imagine it’s pretty taxing on CPU/GPU, maybe look into foliage streaming if that’s a thing, or break it up into chunks and only load within a proximity