Is there a way to share my subscription to other computers?

Hey Adikon,

Each individual using UE4 will need their own license. You can read details in EULA here:

Specifically, this part:

Epic grants you a non-exclusive,
non-transferable, non-sublicensable
(except as described in this
Agreement) license for a single User
to use, reproduce, display, perform,
and modify Licensed Technology for
any lawful purpose (the “License”).
However, rights that Epic grants
you under License are subject to
terms of this Agreement, and you
may only make use of License if
you comply with all applicable terms.

You can, however, have each team member buy license for $19, and then cancel recurring payment. You will still be able to use engine and all content you downloaded, and will not have to pay any royalties until you make a profit from your project. Note that you will not be getting updates or new content without a current subscription plan.

Hope that answers your questions!

Hi. My name is Adrian. I’m just starting my adventure with making games, especially with level design. Me and my friends came up with an idea of making a game. We have been putting it on paper for a year now. We decided that it’s time to make something real.

And here comes my question. I m intrested in buying out subscription of UE4. Howerver I would like to to know if there is a way to extend or share subscription I buy to other computers and machines so my friends that want to work with me will get acces into engine and all tools. Is it possible at all or each one of us needs to buy subscription seperatley??

Other aspect is that if we work upon our game on UE4 can we share our daily progress on GitHub and see changes that each of us make??

I m really intrested in information. I hope that there is a way to share UE4 subscription becouse otherwise it might be kinda problematic for me and my team to buy engine for each member.

As I said at beginning I m very new to buisness and I will appreciate any information that you guys can give me.



So bassicly my members can get engine by buing it normally for first month and then canceling subscription but it will not block usage of current version of engine they have right ?? Although does it work like when my members will want to get new content or latest update and they will buy subscription again then it will automaticly bring in all updates and features that are latest one??

Just a bit shame there there is no exeption or chance where I can just share my engine but I will buy and pay regurarly on my account, with rest of team.



You’ve got it right. Each member must individually have their own license, and you can’t share with individuals who don’t have a license. But, as you said, your whole team could license in month 1, your whole team could cancel, and then your whole team could renew their subscription in month 6 to get latest updates at that time.

Allright now I got clear view on thing.

One last question is that can me and my team share our daily work on GitHub ?? What I mean is that each one of us will work at their homes, and every day send and updated project and all others can see in real time changes that has been made and can use it furthermore.

Can we work in UE4 via GitHub??

You can either develop your project as a fork in EpicGames organization, or create your own private GitHub project where you ensure that only folks with a license to code have access.