Alright so I’m pretty sure that I am not wording this right, so please bare with me. I am making a game that continuously and randomly spawns actors from the left and right while you the player shoot bullets down the middle. I want it so that when the actors get hit by a bullet they explode kinda like megaman style. However there is a problem with they way I did it. Whenever two of the actors collide with each other they explode. So the question is, is there a way to make the bullet still collide with them and not have the actors collide. Thank you for any answer
BTW I tried to make the bullet destroy the actors and that doesn’t work either because the actors are just getting destroyed and I CAN’T FIGURE OUT IF THERE IS A WHEN DESTROYED EVENT!
Collision Profiles are what you want I believe.
In Project Settings->Collision you will see that you can create New Object Channels and New Trace Channels. If you create a new Object channel and set the bullets to that collision object type in their collision details and have the enemy only “hit” that object channel then you will not get hit events off anything else.
I suggest looking into some tutorials if it’s still a bit confusing. Mathew Wadstein has a bunch of videos on collision of all kinds of complexity.
the collisions presets are what you want to change. you may need to create a custom collision channel if you want the actor to only be able to pass through certain other actor types.
to destroy the actors you could use the event hit in your projectile blueprint then have a check to make sure whats being hit it the enemy then a destroy actor node with the target being the other actor. also you yelled about there being a on destroyed event and the answer is, kinda. there is a node bind on actor destroyed, but that would need to be called from elseware as once you fire the destroy actor node the actor is gone and can no longer do anything. so in this case you are best off to do all functionality before the actor is destroyed. however there are ways to fake the destruction of an actor by disabling visibility and collision if you need the actor to persist a little longer after it was hit.
You are a god thank you so much