I recent start using UE5 and I love it but the problem is that I cannot determine which program is suited for the Unreal Engine 5, because when I go to the store and try to download programs it doesn’t really tell me which program goes for which because there’s no filter to determine if I’m downloading an Unreal Engine 5 program or 4, it’s really confusing. Also when I have the program downloaded, how can I filter and determine which ones are eligible for my Unreal Engine 5.
It says in the details on the store
Also, once you have it, in the launcher, it will only let you add to the correct project type.
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no not that, when i’m in my library, the category dosen’t have the category for UE5
Ok. But, by now, most of them will work with 5.
You can always force it to install a 4 pack on 5, it’s in the options during install.
If it’s static mesh assets it will be fine, but obviously stuff like plugins won’t work…