Is there a way to send a signal constantly when an actor is overlapping a triggerbox

Hello, I have been working with trigger boxes and have run into a timing issue using the “on actor overlap” function. I can resolve this by using a boolean check connected to “on event tick”, but I would rather not do this. So I was wondering if there is a function similar to "on actor begin overlap ", but instead of sending one signal when the overlap begins, continues to send a signal for the duration the actor is overlapping the trigger box, and if there is not a dedicated function for this, if there is a way to implement this for a trigger box. Thank you for your time

thanks! I’ll give it a shot tomorrow

Ok I’ll make sure to check

( you might need a DoOnce just before the SetTimer node… )

It’s only if the overlap event firing more than once gives problems…

Yeah it did need it, but worked good! thanks!

How about this: