I recently after an idea which need to scale the main character smaller (way smaller let say 10cm height).
But the problem is seems after I set the scale of pawn model and camera to certain value, the camera still shows the normal scale.
Thus, Is there a way I can scale the camera vision to a camera which like 10cm height human vision?
EDIT: I should have explained first that I am implementing a first-person camera on a very small player character (in this case, an insect).
So essentially I need to rescale the camera so that everything else (normal human NPC’s) in the scene look correct relative to scale. Currently the player character model itself has been scaled at the correct size, but I was wondering if there’s a way to do the same for the first-person camera?
Assuming I understand correctly, you can ‘zoom in’ on your character in the character bluprint, by changing the camera’s boom distance or the camera’s position (depending on your setup)
I should have explained first that I am implementing a first-person camera on a very small player character (in this case, an insect).
So essentially I need to rescale the camera so that everything else (normal human NPC’s) in the scene look correct relative to scale. Currently the player character model itself has been scaled at the correct size, but I was wondering if there’s a way to do the same for the first-person camera?
The camera is just a point in the space with a few data: Position, rotation, fov, etc…
How about scaling everything to be bigger except the player model? I think you want to check out the perspective view and the field of view?
The same idea applies here: if you’re lower to the ground and move slower, everything else around you will seem larger. I would use the scale of the character and move the camera on the Z axis proportionally to it, and also scale the walk/run speed.
If you end up with really small units and floating point errors become a concern, then scaling the rest of the scene up might be the better way to go (as Azarus suggested)