Is there a way to say have a model of a New building fade out to show another a bit (transparent ) model like an existing building??
Hello ,
This isn't something you can since there isn't a tool in Twinmotion that let's you fade your models to make them transparent.
Normally, you can make use of Scene States or Phasing Tools, which let you hide and unhide certain elements of your scene and save them as certain states. For Phasing, this let's you create a timelapse, with certain objects appearing only at certain times, which is useful when showing the construction process. Scene States are useful when you want to show variation in scene, but don't need to care too much about time and date. You can learn more about Phasing and Scene States here. Since phasing and scene states will only let you hide and unhide elements of the scene, you won't be able to get the transparent effect, without some clever work on your end.
One possible thing you could try to achieve a transparent effect is to create a copy of your model and have it occupy the same space as the original model. Then create two scene states with one showing the original model and hiding the copy, and the second hiding the original model and showing the copy. For the copied model, change the materials of the model to a transparent material that will give you the transparent effect letting you see through the model. This won't have a fading effect, but can be useful if the transparency is the most important thing you need.
Lastly, if you feel like a tool for this would be useful, please submit your feedback on our roadmap here.
Hi, Thanks for answering this and I will look at using the option you mentioned. This came up in a presentation where we had an new apartment building and the client wanted to see how the existing building looked in comparison to the new. So I was able to flick between the proposed and existing model and I did a section where I could push it through the models so they could see.
I do architectural presentations starting with Vectorworks and we use a Samsung HMD Odyssey + headset for VR which all works well.
Thank again for the responses.
I still export in C4D and not Datasmith as I few a few textures that come over from Vectorworks cant be modified and appear as a chequered pattern.
Alan Woodwell
[PCA-logo-RGB.jpg]Playoust Churcher Architects
11 Marian Street
Killara NSW
tel: 02 9498 8811
“the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low cost is forgotten”
Member of Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA No.676)
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Brett Churcher Architects Pty Ltd ABN 88 003 751 611 trading as Playoust Churcher Architects
NSW Architects Board Nominated Architect number for BK Churcher 5924
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