I’ve been using sequencer for a little bit to make animations using control rig. I know there is a flag on functions for call in editor.
But what If I want to work on a level sequence assuming the game is fully up and running and I want to be able to preview how things are working while using sequencer. I can see this being useful for making cutsecens with fully functioning game characters as opposed to just a scene with some skeletal meshes.
I’m trying to create a scene where I have an actual game character fully functioning, and I want to make the charcter aim up/down, etc… so I can on the fly modify anim curves that help my animations look good in game. Normally I just keep tweaking anim curves on my different animations and keep triggering my character to use his weapon in game at different aiming directions, and I tweak the curves to make sure it looks good from all angles. This controls the weight of different IK setups so I can have the hands smoothly blend. When the curves are done it looks great, but the process is very tedious so I was hoping to have a more real time preview in sequencer.
Work in progress video. When done, ideally the curves make it so his left hand holding the magazine don’t snap so weirdly, which is due to the current cuves which I need to easily work on in real time. For example, his hand is in eye space until he pulls the magazine out of the gun, but then switches to chest space and then pelvis space for a bit. It should look like he’s just reaching out of the gun towards the pelvis without suddenly raising his magazine holding hand up. It goes up due to being animated in chest space at the wrong time due to curves not being polished. Imagine trying to polish this by trial and error and going back to tweak things over and over for every weapon animation in your game instead of previewing in real time.