Is there a way to reload all weapons on elimination?

Hello, I have been struggling in UEFN trying to find a way to provide a full weapons reload for players who got a elimination in my island. Is there a way for this?

I have no idea about verse and there probably is a command to set magazine to full, but just a thought is there a way to remove that weapon from the players inventory and instantly replace it with a new equipped weapon ?

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No, you can’t affect or read ammo directly yet other than to just grant them ammo.

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Yes, you could remove their loadout and load them back up with the default loadout too

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I want to load the loadout depending on whatever the player is currently holding in their hands. I think it’s possible with save point devices but Is there a way to do that in verse or uefn?

I reckon a gun game script would contain some useful stuff for weapon swappage and I seen someone talking about how to query players inventory with verse, I’ll see if I can find it.

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Oh, thank you sm it would be really helpful if you do find it

I’d be interested in seeing that too. I saw a fake post up on here a while back but I’ve never seen the ability to see what guns or ammo a player is holding. That’d be great

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The only way to do it in UEFN as of yet is to keep track of what they are holding with conditional buttons and then consume/regrant the items.

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ohhh… that’s a neat idea. If you could hide a conditional button and do it silently, that would be cool I think

you can activate conditional buttons remotely

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oh… I thought they were only proximity based. So you can call something on (I should probably just open up UEFN…) the button and pass in a player and it will return a value? You’d have to have as many conditional buttons as weapons you want to detect then? I guess you could do that with ammo then too… sorta

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Yes, you can call “Activate” on the conditional buttons and then they would send their “Activated Event” if you have the item. And yes, unfortunately you’d need either a conditional button per weapon or at the very least use a slot in the conditional button per weapon and then use Verse to do GetItemCount on each of the slots and it’ll return a value for those items and you can progress accordingly.

You wouldn’t have to detect the ammo, you could just grant a certain amount per elim and set the ammo to “only if not owned” so it doesn’t fill passed a certain point. Also, most situations people want to use this in are 1v1s where the ammo is infinite.


That is super helpful info, thanks for taking the time to write it out. Much appreciated.


I couldn’t find it. More than likely I misunderstood what was going on.

Couldn’t find what exactly?

Thought I seen someone give a way to query a players inventory with verse, however I’m not versed with verse enough to really know what was going on, maybe it was only a few key words that resonated with the idea I had here.

I explained all in this topic, really- you have to use conditional button devices to sense what the player has and based on that you re-grant that same item. You can obviously use Verse to handle the logic/activating the conditional buttons but you can’t directly find out what the player has with Verse.

He’s recalling a post where a new user popped in to write some ChatGPT code in place and then secretly linked a game they wanted people to click to. It was not legit code but looked like and seemed promising.


Woah, thanks your reply helped me get an better idea on how to do this.

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