Is there a way to record user input then get a spawned actor to act it out after?

Im looking for a way to record user inputs so that I could get a spawned ai act out the same thing I did during the recording.
Im new to Unreal Blueprints so Im not really sure what Im doing yet but I did record all the transform data of my character in every tick then used that to set the world transform of the spawned ai… I got that one working but the problem is that there is no animation… is there a better way in implementing this?

here is what I have so far: Dejavu Test #005 - YouTube

I also tried recording user inputs into an array then referenced the spawned actor and feed it with the inputs but it doesnt seem to work… here is my blueprints:


It’s working. You just need to assign the same animation blueprint used in your player character

Im thinking it already had been assigned since what I did is duplicated the default thirdperson blueprint then renamed it into “Secondary” then just spawned and used that… Is that what you mean or entirely something else?

Yes, this is it. Can you post the part where you spawn the AI?