Is there a way to randomize items in a chest or Item Placer

I want to make a “realistic” war-themed game on UEFN and I want two things to make my loot spawns in these ways

  1. A chest loot table, which I found out is probably impossible. For this, I also found a property in the Chest device (from the Chest and Ammo gallery) called LootTestingData and allowed for one item to be assigned to it and that item would spawn once the chest was searched. Unfortunately, I haven’t found a way to make a program that randomly cycles through an array of items and assigns them to the LootTestingData property nor a way to make my own chest loot tables

  2. A random item inside an Item Placer device (the one that displays item models and allows the player to interact with it to take them). I couldn’t make this work

Is there a way to solve these two problems or at least one of them? What do I do? Does it require any Verse code? I would appreciate a response!