Is there a way to preview OMM file size BEFORE Packaging?

I have been attempting to package of VR project on Unreal Engine 4.27 and every time I do I get the error that my OBB file may be over 2 Gib and so it fails to build. This is a simple VR scene for the Oculus Quest/Rift. There is a fair amount of materials and small items so I need to reduce where I can which I know.

The problem I have been having is that it takes a significant amount of time to attempt to package my project so each attempt to lower the file size leads to about half a day of waiting only to find out it failed.

So, I wanted to know if there was a way to preview the OBB file size BEFORE attempting to package so I can see where I’m at with file size reduction.

I’m not sure if it’s 100% accurate, but you can open the Audit Asset tool under the Developer Tools menu. You can select the platform, then select a primary asset to see how big it will be. It’s helpful also to right click the asset and see a size map. This can help you Identify specific assets that are unexpectedly large, for example light maps that are too detailed.

Thank you so much that does help quite a bit!

make sure all your texture have proper size and encode mode. you can easily blow up a small texture to 10 mb or more if you set them incorrectly. they should be 512 or 1024 or 2048, that type of size