Is there a way to play videos on the level?

Is there a way to play videos on the level?
I saw that the video is playing on a screen set up on the map of the “airphoria” collaboration with NIKE.
It is possible in Unreal Engine by using media framework, but I don’t know how to realize it in UEFN. Please let me know if you can help me.

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Hi @sekisota0213!

Currently the only files we are able to import into UEFN are:

3D Models


  • JPG
  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • BMP
  • DDS
  • EXR
  • HDR
  • PCX
  • PSD
  • TGA
  • TIF
  • TIFF


  • AIF
  • FLAC
  • OGG
  • WAV


  • .island
  • .upack


  • CSV
  • JSON


So I do not believe we are able to import .mp4 or .mov like you would in UE.
Would be so cool to see this option in the future!

Hope this helps!


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I think one possible way/hack is to use Flipbook Animation in material.
Then one can control that material using Sequencer for playback and also attach music/audio effect to it.