Is there a way to make the right analog stick scroll up and down in the menus?

I need to be able to either fire mouse wheel events with the right analog stick when in the menus or if there’s already a scroll up/down function to use that.

I’d recommend you to write a scroll function and call it in both cases.

I think you know how to set scroll offset?

No idea how to make that function lol

That’s why you need to specify your questions. What are you scrolling?

The scrollbox in the menu

get reference to widget, get scroll box, set scroll offset then

I can’t seem to get a reference to the scroll box. I need it to affect any active scroll box, not just one specific scroll box.

Did you set scroll box as a variable? I don’t see that you actually get one from widget.

That’s the problem, I don’t know what scroll box inherits from if it’s not widget.

What do you mean?? Now i’m totally confused!

How is it related with “Is there a way to make the right analog stick scroll up and down in the menus?”

I’m just trying to make that scroll menu function you posted above.

Ok but explain I don’t know what scroll box inherits from if it’s not widget.

In order to cast to scroll box I need a reference, and if “user widget” is not the parent class, then I don’t know what is.

In order to do anything with widget and it’s components you must get a reference, don’t you? So what’s the point? Still don’t get it.