I am trying to use a slider widget to keep track of , however, I want to put the slider on an arc or use a curvature so it rises until the halfway point then lowers until the slider reaches the amount. Any and all help is welcomed. Thank you for your .
I think they want the slider widget itself to be curved (the value would still be linear).
I think that the best way to do this would be to make a custom slider widget that animates a handle (a button widget maybe?) based on a widget animation driven by mouse movement while being pressed.
Ah, I see. You could do it in material as mentioned by but I feel it would be somewhat convoluted and not very flexible. Do consider the following widget, though:
An image in the canvas panel can be shifted around freely, we just need to restrict its movement. Whenever the mouse is being moved over this widget while the LMB is being held down, we run the following function returning a mapped range:
The function is also run once when the widget is constructed in order to set the arrow’s initial position. Since the widget has yet to tick to figure out its geometry, we force it early: