Is there a way to make a particle stop after reaching a certain Z height?

I have a Rain Cascade Particle and a water system that does not work using Collision Channels so I have rain that is falling through water.

The water is at a fixed Z height of -2700

Is there a way to make the particle system stop at that Z height? Something like the Kill Z of the level but for particles?

You can add the KillHeight module in cascade, which should do what you want

If you ever convert the system to Niagara, you can add the KillParticlesInVolume module, with a plane shape, a plane normal of 0,0,1, and the VolumeOrigin set to your Z kill height

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This works well for CPU particles! But I don’t have the module available for the GPU emitter modules in my particle system :cry:

Any way to kill them?

There’s an event “Event Receiver Kill All” but I’m unsure how to use it.

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