Is there a way to make a Instance Editable here?

I’m still trying to learn what I can do with these blueprints and stuff, so bear with me.

What I’ve got is a blueprint for a lift that raises up after a switch is activated in the level. I followed a tutorial to make it and it uses a Timeline node and a Set Relative Location node for the location.

Here is the timeline. It’s really simple, its just moving from 0 Z to 180 Z

I’d like to reuse this blueprint for different levels, but there will always be some height variation in where it will go. Is there a way that I could make a Instance Editable for me to just set the height it will move to without it affecting the other platforms?

You may try to do the following:

  • Have a “Height” variable in your blueprint, with the max height you lift could have
  • Normalise your timeline between 0…1. That is have your timeline curve vary from 0 to 1 (instead of 0 to an hardcoded height)
  • Multiply the result of the timeline with your Height variable

For example, if your max height is 10 meters and current timeline value is 0.5, the result is 5 meters (halfway)

That’s it!

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Hey @dubthedubmeister!

To kind of follow up on that, check this out:
You can use a lerp to do what @GabUECV was talking about, and you can do it with just about any 2 numerical variables like vector, rotator, float etc.

This is your typical moving platform code:

Hope that helps and if you have any questions let us know!


Worked like a charm! Thanks guys

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