Something similar to Fallout 4’s settlement system. I’ve been looking all over, but I can’t seem to find any suitable tutorials.
Things of note I’d like to find information on:
The ability to spawn “building” types freely on a landscape mesh, without resorting to creating set “empty” instances that are destroyed and replaced with “building types”
Creating variables affected by buildings and settlers, ala City Skylines or ANNO 2070
“Snapping” spawned objects to other spawned objects, ala DOOM’s map editor
This question is very broad one. You can certainly make a settlement managing game(mode), but this is so specific that it’s unlikely there are tutorials about it. It’s a bit hard to adress any of your points, because they are so broad, besides the snapping maybe:
My approach to snapping would probably be to have a mesh component for each area where a new building should snap, and catch any mouse-over-events. If the mouse is over the mesh you can snap the location of the currently placable building to the center of your snapping area, and if the mouse leaves the area you snap it back to the position of the mouse cursor.