Is there a way to know if free products are getting download?

AS title says, is there a way? Thanks!

If I understand this correctly, you’re looking for a progress bar on free content getting downloaded…? If so, this is not available in the UI yet. As for if it has been downloaded, we are working on revisions in the UI to make this more clear/accurate

Thanks, I just meant a viewer of some kind. Like “X object” page that has a line with the number of downloads it got.

I must say that it is very odd not being able to know if free products are getting downloads. It’s a feature that like every single website I put my assets on has.

Thank you for the feedback on this one. We are working on improvements to the UI as well as adding more features over the course of the year. Just in case if you haven’t seen it, check out the Fab Roadmap which can give you an indication (things subject to change, of course) of what is in store for the platform