Is there a way to have it so the enemy does not move when I run into it and acts as a blocking agent?

So, At this moment, I am trying to get my character to not move the enemy when I run into their capsule - as this is a side-scroller 2.5D I do not want my character either push the enemy to the X or the Y axis… - If there’s an enemy that I run into…I’d rather it be more of an impenetrable wall that I cannot move and the enemy would move in the X direction Until he attacks which I’d Use Launch for…

Right now as I run into the enemy - enemy flies off the screen towards either the Y or X axis - is there a way to have it so the enemy does not move when I run into it and acts as a blocking agent?

Hi Ghostblades,

By default the Side Scroller template doesn’t allow you to push another character off the axis. You could always compare your project to see what is different.

It maybe as simple as setting the Planar Movement to Constrain to Plane in the enemy’s Details panel. But this may also depend on if/how you have you AI setup.