Is there a way to get the transformation used to by skinned vertex in materials

Hello, I am trying to use a texture containing vertex displacements to morph a skinned mesh. Things work fine until it animates. I tried a large number of things to get this working properly on a skinned mesh, however I have not found a solution that works in the general case. Since I can’t find a way to map from pre-skinned vertex to skinned there is no way extract any rotatation or scaling to apply to the displacement. I thought of transforming the displacement to pre-skinned tangent space but you only have access to pre-skinned normals. so There is no way to form the transformation matrix needed for that. I tried converting the texture to a tangent space texture but the loss in quality was way too heavy to make that route viable.

In a nut shell I am trying to calculate a world offset such that it would be as if the vertex was displaced before skinning.

I am trying to do deformation with out morph targets. That way I can reuse the texture on multiple meshes with out having to create new morph targets for each. Also it would slot easily in to my current character pipeline.

I have found a solution in simply passing the transformation matrix of the most dominate bone as a set of 3 Vectors to the material through Vector Parameters. I then transform the displacement by it and pass that WPO. However this obviously will only work on specific sections of a character. Fortunately for me the Heads of my characters have no other weights applied to them other than the head.

I however what a general solution and the general solution is obvious, If I could simply add a term before any transformation were done to the vertex my problem would be solved.