Is there a way to get the screen position of any widget?

Hello I have a question and response type dialog system im making. It works fine in terms of functionality but Im trying to make an oldschool “cursor” to show what active item is selected

It uses a listview so that means I cant get the “response” block as a canvas slot which means I cant return a Y position to set the location of the cursor

Is there a node or work around for getting the location of any UMG object on screen? I cant do it in c++ because im too deep in the spaghetti to rework anything into cpp and I can do stuff with padding obviously but it would be a whole lot cleaner and more modular if I could just get an x and y location of a widget

Hello! You can try to use getCachedGeometry and LocalToViewport nodes.


Thank you that works really perfectly. Was looking for an answer to help using the deproject screen to world node.


Sweet life-saver. Thank you.