Is there a way to generate an event when Niagara overlaps?


Is there a way to generate an event when Niagara overlaps?

I made the enemy’s projectile with Niagara. and I divide the players into two parts and want to create a system that gets damage if enemy hit the core(red) and gets score if enemy overlap the outside of player(green).

I succeeded in generating damage when enemy hit the player using the Niagara Collision module and the Export data to blueprint module.
But failed to generate event when overlapping.

I searched all the communities and YouTube I could find, but what I could find was how to generate an event when Niagara was blocked, and I couldn’t find a way to generate an event when it was overlapped.

I can’t find Overlap in data export condition.
Is this a system impossible for Niagara?


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I wouldn’t use the particle system to drive game logic.
This isn’t the intention of a particle system.

Use a blueprint actor with a projectile movement, a sphere component and a niagara component instead.

In this blueprint you can do everything and much more.

Use the particle system only for visuals.

Thank you for your reply. This was like my useless stubbornness. but, it is weird that niagara collisions are possible, but overlapping is not possible.