I am looking for a way to search a known string for a known substring. I can set this up easily enough using the find substring node and it gives me back the index.
My problem is that I want to search a string for a substring where I dont care what position X is.
For example;
Full String: “Hello UE4 Answers”
Substring: “UE@” - where @ is a single character wildcard.
I have taken a look through the Wiki & Documentation and have found the ‘matches wildcard’ but I cant work out what this does or even if it helps. Has anyone else run into a similar task?
Was just trying this - trick is to wrap the wildcard string so that it matches all the characters before and after the substring you’re looking for. (Note: “*” matches any number of characters including none. “?” matches any single character)
So, if using the blueprint function MatchesWildcard: