I’m trying to make a Shmup with dashing mechanics involved. One of the things I’m trying to do is have enemies be reactive to getting hit by the player dashing into them, e.g. like bowling pins.
I’ve had trouble getting the enemies to ALWAYS have physics on (ran into many problems, mostly with the enemy just falling through the floor as soon as simulate phyiscs is on), so I’ve been trying to just limit it to have “ragdoll” physics (even though they are just primitive cubes with a capsule attached) when they are hit by a player’s dash ability.
Is there a way to enable this through Blackboard or and OnHitEvent?
This seems quite complex for what I was looking for though (I could be wrong though, as I’m not the most familiar with the engine). I’m only working with primitive shapes for this prototype, is there any reason to set up bone systems for simple cube/ball interactions? My thoughts were maybe to fake it with changing the velocity of the enemies movement?
In that case you can toggle Set Simulate Physics on and off for that mesh whenever it gets hit. You can get that node by dragging from your cube mesh component variable.
Yea, this is what I was experimenting with for some time. Problem is, when I turned it on the mesh and the capsule it was attached to just decided to fall through the floor.
The floor being made of a box brush, I decided to put a blocking volume under it. Same thing STILL happened. Not sure where to go with this now.
There were other ways I was able to keep my enemy from falling through the floor. Unfortunately, these resulted in the enemy not being able to move / chase after the player. It was just stuck in place, even after I nudged it with the player character. That, or it would fly off into oblivion.
A basic question but still worth checking, does the cube have a collision box? And what is the cube’s collision preset set to? Make sure it is BlockAllDynamic, or change the preset to PhysicsActor as you enable Simulate Physics.