I’ve decided, as another learning project, to try and make some sort of “brick breaker” game.
I’ve created my character blueprint and immediately noticed something is wrong when moving it using my mouse (using mousex as input to move the “plank” left and right).
The problem is there is that negative acceleration which makes the character move faster when mouse is being moved slower and vice versa.
Is there a way to disable this and make object move 1:1 with mouse movement?
Pardon if i missed some obvious things to look into.
Found this while searching, unfortunately this has been left unanswered for three years. I’ve found the answer after a few hours, though, and it’s annoyingly simple. If you’re using mouse inputaxis, by default there is “smoothing” (aka negative mouse acceleration) on by default in your project settings. Open your project settings, search “mouse properties” and uncheck “enable mouse smoothing” and you should be good to go.