Is there a way to create projects on a different hard drive and still see them in my projects listing?

My question is in the "your question : " part

Hello SirNight,

did you tried to generate a .uprojectdir file inside your engine root folder, such that you have this directory structure:

  • …/Engine/
  • …/Templates/
  • …/Samples/
  • …/UE4.uprojectdir

My UE4.uprojectdir contains only a ‘.’ (I mean a dot) but you could try something like


as content for the UE4.uprojectdir file.

I heared about this file in the thread:

You can take a look there for further information about the file.

Tell me if putting the path instead the dot inside the uprojectdir file helps!

Greetings Tim

Thank you for the reply I will try that tonight and see if it works.