I’m experimenting with creating multiple characters (I just started learning a few weeks ago) - but I can’t figure out how to create a Base Anim BP class to inherit from in my specialized characters - that I’d not have to code base movement too many times.
Character BP contains movement code - keypress etc. - Can it be done in Animation BPs?
Animation BPs require Meshes - how do I inherit them between characters with different meshes?
When I retarget an Anim BP it retargets all animations used - but I have the movement animations from the other characters which are not muddled in the animation retargeting (Paragon Characters) - Is there some way of pointing the retarget to these animations?
Are there ways of making a Master BP? or Master Anim BP? - Like setting a series of maps in which each key has specific animations/effects/any that can be replaced in each type of specialized class?
I think I may just be fishing for OOP extensions in the end but - somehow it seems that I’m missing some key techniques to BP design and programming!! Are there any good guides/vids/courses on the material?
Thank you in advance!