Is there a way to convert Landscape Grass into static mesh?

I’m trying to export the landscape from Unreal as a static mesh. The landscape exports as obj from Unreal but the foliage fails to export. The foliage all seems to be spawned at one corner of the landscape so I’m trying to see if I can convert all of the foliage to a single static mesh and export it separately. The landscape tile is quite small so having all of its foliage as a single static mesh isn’t an issue for me.

Greetings @Zarrar2802

If I understand what you’re trying to do completely, this thread (How to export landscape as static meshes in Unreal 5.3)may be exactly what you’re looking for. Let me know if that provides the answer!

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Hi! I’ve actually went through that post several times before but I’m unable to understand how to follow along with the instructions from [MostHost_LA]

As of now, I can export the landscape as obj and it exports fairly well as a static mesh, albeit, without materials and has foliage stacked in one corner. I’m trying to work my way forward from there