I’m working on a turn based RPG and have run into a bit of a snage with my combat UI I’m wondering if anyone may have a suggestion for.
At the moment, I have all may combat UI spawning in directly from the units in battle. (all units in battle both enemies and party members come from the same parent class. The UI widgets are also spawned in via screen not world. The issue is that in certain senerios some UI widgets are spawned in behind others that make it difficult for the player to click on (or in other senarios just impossible to click).
From what I can tell, there is no way to control the global z-order of widgets that have no direct connection with one another. I know a potentail solution could be despawning the problematic widgets, but isn’t really an option for me do to game specific reasons. If anyone had any other potential solutions or suggestions I would be most appriciative! Thanks!