I have a trace that gives me the closest point on collision of an actor, I want to set it up so that if the impact point of the trace or the location of the trace is inside a trigger box I have set up, then it does one thing, but if the impact point of the trace is outside the box, it does something else, how do I go about doing this?
For the box:
World locations, of course.
Note that it does not include rotation of the box in the ecuasion.
if the box already exists, how would I translate its dimensions into the “box extent” section?
Is it trigger? Or is it collision box?
collision box as a part of a different blueprint.
It does not include size of the box.
oh, ok thanks, and on the off chance that I wanted to rotate the box, what would I do? since you did say it doesn’t take orientation into account, or would that not matter?
Also what do you mean it doesn’t include the size of the box?
For an example, box extent is X50; Y50; Z100 and size is X1; Y1; Z0.5
That means real extent is:
I did see a node called “get scaled box extent”, would that account for this?
Yes, but only it’s own scale. There is also it’s parent’s size.
is there a way to account for that? like maybe get world scale of the parent and multiply it by the scaled box extent? or would that not do it/there’s an easier way I’m not seeing?
You need to do it by hand. You can make a funciton or a macro that will calculate it for. And just call it when you need to.
alright, thanks for the help.
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