I like the size and velocity of the blue and yellow smoke particle options, however I would like to change it to a dark grey/black color. Is there a way to modify the color, or is there a way to bring other smoke animations into twinmotion?
I like the size and velocity of the blue and yellow smoke particle options, however I would like to change it to a dark grey/black color. Is there a way to modify the color, or is there a way to bring other smoke animations into twinmotion?
Hi ,
The particle effects don't offer any sort of customization or editing at this time.
The option to import animated FBX models is coming very soon, so you should be able to import custom smoke animations into Twinmotion once this arrives later this year.
Thank you for the quick reply.
Is the option to import FBX Models linked to a specific future release, or is it just estimated sometime later this year?
Sauf erreur impossible de modifier la couleur des objets particule. Pour la couleur grise il y a « Smoke ». Tu peux, mais c’est border line, utiliser Fire with Smoke en passant XYZ à 0.1% et en cachant la flamme pour avoir une fumée noire…
A ma connaissance, impossible d’importer des objets animés dans TM…
Unless I am mistaken, it is impossible to modify the color of particle objects. For the gray color there is “Smoke”. You can, but it's borderline, use Fire with Smoke by passing XYZ to 0.1% and hiding the flame to have black smoke...
To my knowledge, it is impossible to import animated objects into TM…
TM version 2023.1
Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.
Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.
128 Go de mémoire Ram.
Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.
Hi ,
It's tied to the 2023.2 release coming out later this year. We don't have an exact date to share yet.