Is there a way to change speed in air?

I’ve been creating an aerial dodge move, right now it uses LaunchCharacter as shown below. I need some way to temporarily increase the speed of either the character in the air or of the launch itself. So that the dodge is faster and then reset it once the move is complete.

if(MovementState == EMovementState::VE_Moving)
			bCanAerialDodge = false;
			FVector LaunchVector = this->GetActorRotation().Vector() * 
			LaunchVector.Z = 500.f;
			LaunchCharacter(LaunchVector, true, true);
			GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(AerialDodgeHandle, this, 
           &APlayerCharacter::ResetAerialDodgeStatus, AerialDodgeBuffer,

You could try and use delegates to bind functions together to reset speed as this way, you can stop the speed increase if say the character lands on something before the timer runs out. You can bind the reset function to whenever you want to reset the speed. If none of the said situations occur, you can let the timer finish and execute the reset function whenever.

Declare delegates like this:

UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, EditDefaultsOnly, Category="Default", meta=(MultiLine="true"))
FDelegateNameHere YourDelegate;

and bind delegates like this:

YourDelegate.AddDynamic(this, UMyClass::MyFunction); // this will be the function that will be executed when this delegate is broadcasted. You can add multiple functions to this if youd like and have params.

Check out the UE Documentation on Delegates here: Dynamic Delegates

I’m asking how to increase speed, that’s my issue at the moment. I need the launch to be faster and less floaty, resetting it shouldn’t be an issue for me.

After your launch starts and hits its terminal velocity, try setting your gravity scale for your character higher. You would need to play around with the values to see which you like best though.