I am in the process of creating a tutorial and I need a way to call a certain event when I get to a certain step in the tutorial. Currently I am using a data table to store all of the information about each step in it. I don’t really want to use a switch but, I can if I have to. But what I really want is a way to store the name of an event/function and call that function/event. I’m definitely open to other possibilities, if they solve the problem. Does anyone know if it is possible to do something like this in Unreal?
I found a variable type called Event Payload Struct. It seems to take in an event name and a struct for the parameters. However, I don’t see a way to call that event. I haven’t really found any information for this type and searches typically come up with just a generic page about events. Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
I know I can use a switch statement as I said in the post. However, I mostly asked this question because I ran across that event payload struct variable type. It takes an event name as well as a struct containing the parameters. It seems rather odd that you can form the payload in advance but, there is no way to execute it. There should be some function that takes in that as a parameter and executes the formed function.
I’m not talking about calling logic from them but, rather getting the payload information and then calling it once we have the row or struct.
just to get what you mean; you want to trigger an event on a specific part of your tutorial?
An Enum “TutorialStates” and then a “Switch on TutorialStates” should solve it, then you can just call a generic event that branches off depending on which part of the tutorial you are. I mean, that’s how you do that sort of thing.
There’s no way to call logic from structs or data table.