Is there a way to bypass the Chaos Vehicle throttle cut?

You are both wrong and annoying. Each wheel could spin differently, also based on brakes or the type of steering (like the Ackermann). If you use the handbrake and it’s set only on the rear wheels, the front wheels will keep spinning. If you brake while in mid-air, all wheels will stop spinning.

Besides, they finally fixed the issue, now the RPMs stay stable even when you are in the air.

Im not wrong, but I totally get how finding information you don’t like can be annoying. Tough luck. The fact you are incorrect remains a fact.

Go learn how wheel and traction actually work. Hint: Nothing you wrote is accurate. Except for maybe the breaking in mid air part. And that’s a big maybe too, since your preconception of what happens while OFF traction is wrong (And that’s also without considering modern safety features like ABS.)

Wether the rpm were “fixed” or not (assuming in the public 5.2 release) is inconsequential btw. Most people on here should be smart enough to build from source, so they would have had the fix for longer.
And, the weels spinning or not spinning is wholly unrelated to what the chaos physics decide to do since the wheels should never spin with “physics”.

For future reference for those that come across this, you’ll need to change this setting under your wheel class.

Interesting that the default setting is 30 isn’t it? Could’ve sworn that I heard that somewhere.

Im going insane. I am able to drift in small corners but going from one corner to another or doing bigger arch is imposible. Nothing in this thread helped. I hate chaos vehicles. Isnt there any possible path or something. I will throw my self out of window in next couple hours.

Edit: Also is there any solution to changing differential slip?

Alright I have been banging my head with this annoyance for a long time. So here is a fix for it. If I am not mistaken in 5.2 Epic introduced a feature where torque can be applied to each wheel. This can be used to bypass this throttle cut that chaos vehicle has. Below is a function using the “Set Drive Torque” feature. I made it so torque can be set by gear with first gear having the most torque, and top gear having the least torque.

The code snippet:

Here is an alt link to the function:

Remember to set the “Max wheelspin rotation” to a high value in your chaos tire settings. 25000 works for me.
Also set "External Torque Combine Method to additive.


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