Does anyone know of a way to Cache/Bake UE4 particle Data so that it plays back exactly the same time every time?
I need this for multiple reasons. Most pressing at the moment is that I am rendering out Stereo cameras to file, and I don’t want to have to capture both cameras to render targets and film those with a single camera (which not only has some limitations, but is also just extra work, and does not solve all my use cases for this need). However I also do a lot of multi-pass rendering and compositing (using other renderers), and this is one of the things that would be usefully to have in UE4 to that end. So if for example I wanted to create a depth channel that included particle data, and still output a color pass, and a matte pass, I would need this functionality.
Or at the very least load cached particle data from external sources like Maya or Houdini etc.