I’m pretty new to Unreal and this is something I do commonly in Unity.
You create an event inside your component and make the event accessible from the Editor. Then in the editor you can select functions from different objects that should be called when the event occurs.
In the case below you have an object that has the Action Trigger script which works like an Actor Component. It has a Unity Event inside it that is accessible from the editor. You assign the TestRoom GameObject(Actor) which has a component called Room which has a function called ShiftRoom.
I’m trying to do it this way because I want to call different functions for every Actor that has the component that the event is in.
In my case I have Actors in my Level with a component called Interactable. When the player goes up to it and presses a button I want to trigger the event which then causes different functions to run in different components and actors.
Is there a way to do this in Unreal?