Sure. Since you know the location of KillZ(some negative value in Z axis you set in World Settings) you can tell your character to respawn whenever it goes past that.
Hey, instead of killing and removing the player char we want to respawn him at his default location. Is there a way to achieve that via blueprint?
That is right, but there is a build in event which is called when you hit that z value → felloutofworld. And this seems to destroy the actor and i dont konw where i can change that default behaviour.
You’ll need to disable Enable World Bounds Check and use your arbitrary KillZ value to respawn. Also i just noticed that you can set damage type for KillZ. I havent tried but would it not work if you created a new DamageType BP, set all damage values to 0 > create a function or event dispatcher in damagetype BP and feed that input to your character?
Is there any possibility to overwrite FellOutOfWorld on BP level? It shows me no option to overwrite FellOutOfWorld on a pawn as example.