Is there a way to add a widget overlay to a camera's viewport while not in game mode?

Hey all,

After many unsuccessful attempts I am now pretty good at adding a HUD to a viewport while in game mode. The question is can I do this while not in game mode? I need an image to be overlayed and stick to my camera’s viewport. I tried adding a png to a plain in front of the camera - but any change to the focal length just throws it off. I’ve read through forum after forum with no answers to this question. Hope someone out there knows a way to accomplish this!


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You can create a widget and call it from anywhere really. Just use Create widget function and then add to view port. Hud is just good to keep all your widgets together and if you want to switch HUD’s but its not mandatory to put your widgets there.

You are right. I misread the question. Obviously!

OP asked about out of PIE widgets… this obviously will not work in the editor.

@nsamanns: look into Editor Utility Widgets - you can run them from the Content Browser. Perhaps they’ll allow you to get closer to what you need.

I want to ask for clarification on what it is you’re actually trying to accomplish. Maybe a widget is not the correct solution, so if you can give us a more in-depth explanation of what you’re trying to do, we might be able to come up with an alternative. For example, it’s possible to be in “Game mode” with a menu pawn or the like, but not actually be playing your game if that makes sense. But you’re making a video game, so you kind of need to be in game mode for a widget to show on the camera.

I just double checked and EUW do not seem to support transparency (unless there’s a secret setting I’m unaware of) so this is probably a dead end :expressionless:

Did you find a solution to this? I am trying to overlay a video with transparency over a camera im using in sequencer. Imagine a camera view looking at the world how a drone would.