Hi, I am trying to create a BP script that allows the player, whilst in close proximity of a item (e.g. a barrel), it cretaes a widgit. However, I am unsure on how to create this system and would really appreciate help with how to do this.
Thank you in advance
Add a cylinder or some such to your character. Give it a special collision channel (set up in your project settings) set to overlap. Add the same overlap type/response to your things. When the cylinder overlaps things, set them to display a widget and remove the widget when they stop overlapping.
I second the the col. on the player / camera node.
Set your target object up with a collision profile that makes sense and is probably unique to that type of object. Ex: Interactive Objects. Put a collision object on your player and set it to a profile that will allow it to interact with Interactive Objects in the “Overlap” column. You’ll probably want to set the other flags on the object’s profile to ignore. In your player BP you can test for a hit on that collision and get the object that created the hit. At that point you have all the info you need in that same hit event to do what you need. ie: spawn something at a position, etc.