Is there a way for The Blackboard to call on Animation Montages?

Hello have I have been trying to see if there is a way for the Blackboard to play a set on Anim Montages based on the items the AI character carries. All I have seen is it can play animations not Anim Montages. Is there a way to get it to work and what is a basic way for doing it. Thank you for looking at this.

I guess you mean Behavior Tree?
You have a pre-packaged node that does exactly that

Or, if what you’re asking is how to store a reference to an animation montage in a blackboard key, you should define that key as Object and the type of object as animation asset:

If neither of this helps, try to explain in better detail what you need.



Sadly it is not letting me get Montages in my version of Unreal as Shown in the first picture:

I am trying the other way but it is proving to be hard, I set the key for both the Weapon and the Montage, but Not sure how to get the Tasks to recognize them. I wanted the items to dictate the array for montages attached to each them.

For Now the Units just stand there and don’t attack at all, though I tried to get the Blackboard to recognize the Array of Montages.

I’m very new to The blackboard and am trying to understand how they work full. But now seeing yours has A Montage option, I wonder if there is something wrong with my Unreal. I hope you can help me solve this I thank you for reaching out to me.

UPDATE After testing a bit, for some reason it dose not move past the “Set: Unit Weapon” Tried adding a “Is Valid” and nothing again. So Still Stuck, not sure how to get Weapon Set.

So, a couple of things:

  1. can you just upgrade your engine? I work with 4.27, that has the Play Montage node. If not, you can just write a Behavior Tree Task yourself using the “Play Montage” function inside it (assuming your engine version has it!)
  2. the main issue from your Behavior Tree Task, from what I see at least, it’s that is missing its last piece, that is a “Finish Execute” node. Any BTTask needs to end up with that:

Hope this helps!

