Is there a reason to keep my product listed? It's not selling so....

Took over a year or figuring out through much work and trial and error to get my product built and completed. Now I am feeling stupid and foolish for spending so much time on something clearly no one wants. I am ecstatic with how the product turned out and how it saves me countless hours while giving me unprecedented results. I guess I am just bummed no one else will ever see it and I will never get compensated for my work…at all:(

So according to a 3rd party site the Unreal Engine Marketplace has over 8 million visitors per month. Is it only for the free content? Is anyone making money through this broker/vendor? It seems like I got sales for a few days till the UEM shuffled my product deeper and deeper down the page numbers. Now all sales have ceased. Is that it? No hope now? Should I just remove it?
How have you all been faring? Please and Thank You.

Can you indicate which product?

Sure. This is it.

Keep it up. Never know if someone will want it and I don’t think it costs anything otherwise.

In fact I may even be able to find use for it at some point. Not guaranteed. But possible.

As long as there is no fee to keep it up, just keep it up.

If you’re feeling insecure, try to find other tasks to worry about.

I’m not sure what your Unreal journey is, but whatever your specialty is, focus on that and improvement; not on the popularity of your releases.

Easier said than done, yes, but no road worth taking is always going to be easy; if it were, everyone would do it.

Ok, I just had to check some of the many things people get wrong :slight_smile:

It’s fine, plenty of pictures, good description, trailer, docs, 5 star review.

You have to keep drawing attention to it:

  1. Start a forum thread related to it’s support

  2. Can you update it / patch it? Any excuse to keep drawing people’s attention to it. I saw the review had some recommendations, are they worth pursuing, or does it give you other ideas?

  3. I know absolutely noting about Daz3D, maybe there’s some related place you post for that?

  4. Join in the market promotions. It gets it listed again. 50% off, free for the month etc.

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Thank you for the feedback and for checking it out. I have started several post on multiple forums already but will continue. I have also already addressed all of the recommendations immediately after receiving them with 100+ more man-hours on my part. Have addressed #3 as well and also will continue look for new places. And #4 I have requested to join the promotions two months in a row now, they sent emails asking, but I have not been selected. Great advice. What I myself came up with as well.
Thank-You for your time

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Keep going. Even if this doesn’t work eventually, another idea might come to you. Everybody is always looking for reputable marketplace vendors in all areas. Being competent already puts you ahead of the pack :slight_smile:


offer a discount in your next promo, lower the price to say 50% or whatever you choose, see if that gets a bite?

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This wasn’t a small project. There is over a thousand man hours easy. It’s not a small tool. It has literally 450+ textures that I had to make not to mention over 100 presets. It took Epic months with a team of over 25 just to make the base that I had to reverse engineer and make compatible with five different UV layouts. Mind you there is no schooling for this and it replaces the need to buy countless assets from Daz saving one hundreds if not thousands.

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Someone on another forum was comparing it to the CC3 system that cost upwards of $700. He said my product does pretty much what CC3 does but in UE and for Daz characters. Maybe its too inexpensive for people. I guess I can increase the price to say…$299 and see what happens. Is it possible people just can’t believe it does what it does for such a nominal cost.

Maybe you can let people know this. In the docs, or further down the page in the description.

I must say though, man-hours, people don’t pay for that. They pay for utility ( usefulness ). They don’t care if it took 2 days or 2 years to make, does it do what they want? That’s their sole criteria when looking. Most people have no idea how complex the back end is.

THEN, when they notice it’s a serious contender, they start making a comparison between price and value. As you’ve probably seen from other marketplace stuff, people will pay a lot if they can see the value.

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For sure. I appreciate the conversing. No one really gets any of this on my end. I truly appreciate it. I have a lot to learn about this side of it all. My hopes were to big. I broke my back several years ago and haven’t been able to work besides some freelance stuff due to my pain not allowing me to keep employment for numerous reasons. Meanwhile my wonderful wife has been keeping us afloat for years. I just want to contribute again. So ya know high hopes. Which I still have, what I need also is some reality. I know the value of what my product offers. It really is a must have for that vesica piscis area where Daz3D users are using Unreal Engine as their platform for whatever.

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Which if I can say is a match made in heaven. It really is the best of both worlds. Daz3D has the biggest asset collection hands down. Paired with the fact the interactive licenses are ridiculously affordable. Epic’s Metahuman is absolutely amazing but its is so so limited. I wanted the best of both worlds; the limitless creative capabilities Daz3D has to offer and the amazing quality of a Metahuman. So I made it happen. The product is literally insane. The tattoos system alone is cool enough but to add the make-up system and all the rest. It even has a clothing addition now because it didn’t pass the application process with semi-nude models. It really should cost upwards of $500 easy for what it does but look at the Metahuman; it is offered for free, witch I would love to do. I priced it out so everyone could have it and I could still get compensated. Which I’m confident I will in time. You all have helped gain perspective. I appreciate that.

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Ah, it’s an asset library. Never even heard of it until now, I’m gonna check it out… :slight_smile:

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Are you able to, or know someone who is competent at recording a demo/tutorial of sorts to show this in action? posted on the DAZ3D forums too , it would be a shame to see you hardwork gone unnoticed.

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I am trying to finish the sister product which is the exact same system but for the Metahumans. Its a ton of conversion. Every texture has to be converted for the Metahuman UV’s. I already had to do the same thing 5 times just for the Daz system. Right now I am having a problem getting my Metahuman head mesh to work. Its an issue with non-manifold geometry which if I could afford Maya wouldn’t be an issue but I can’t for the life of me get it done in Blender. I’m excited about that. I think it will be picked up by more YouTube channels as the focus on Metahumans is a hot topic. The system is complete. I just have to get the conversions done.

On top of that I have several hundred Tattoos to convert. I have a system in Substance that helps with that. I can do about 20 on a good day using photoshop actions for the heavy lifting. Oh and several make-up packs and a tan-lines pack but I just started that.

So I keep getting kicked off the Daz forums which is a surprise. Because the item is on the UE Marketplace is why. That’s fair but silly. It’s for their community.

Yeah I can do the tutorials. Its about time really. I have reached out to several YouTubers about doing a review and I have given them the product for free but no luck. Only one even wrote back. Bummer. I would do a run-through and stream it live to teach them. Not that its hard. I have had no questions of the how-to nature as of yet. Then they could do something awesome on their channel for more likes and subscribes. It all make sense to me. lol

I have been very shocked by much of the community, I always answer emails whether the answer is yes or no. I took the time to write them out with genuine respect and honesty. Super bummed about some of them, many I have been fans of and supported for years, some financially through various memberships or donations. It seems almost bizarre to me. Often it blows my mind. I guess its just a tough world out there…and I am less a business man than I am artist and creator.

And here is my Twitter if anyone wishes to purvey.