My latest submission was approved 6 weeks ago and and I am still waiting for a release date. Emails and PM have been unanswered when I inquire. It seems there must be a huge queue of submissions and since they only release 15 or 20 a week alot of us are stuck in release purgatory.
The main reason is that EVERYTHING on the marketplace is done manually -.- None of the system is automated, and aside from being able to change version compatibility and product descriptions, sellers have little to no control without first going through Epic. This, coupled with a team of staff who are either severely undermanned, severely undertrained, or just plain not interested means that every **** thing takes forever and nothing really changes.
If it is any consolation, and I imagine it likely isn’t, you are far from the only seller in this situation. There is a growing number of marketplace creators getting very upset and frustrated with the lackadaisical attitude Epic Games takes towards the marketplace, and there is a growing number of marketplace creators abandoning the platform. There is those of us who have been trying to fight for some better systems and management in place for over a year now - and Epic keep saying “it’s coming” but they’ve been saying that now for at least a year.
Sadly, I don’t really see much changing anytime soon, though I would gladly welcome it.
Best of luck! Hope you get a release date soon
We creators should look into running our own marketplace.
So Lazy its embarrassing
Maybe it is so. I want to hear it from the official representative of Epic Games. Why do they release 15 or 20 a week? [MENTION=49]Adam Davis[/MENTION]
Its assets that can make/break an engine, however good it is, in this arena you need to make it for the masses.