Is there a possibility of South African Servers for Fortnite? And if so, how soon could we expect this?

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South Africa is a very competitive country when it comes to E-Sports and gaming. We participate in many titles and in some titles even gained world cup wins.
Fortnite is growing rapidly and we would love to join in as we have some really skilled and devoted players. The sad and unfortunate part is we cannot practice and compete optimally due to the latency and ping being so high.
We have a lot of fun playing and competing in Fortnite but high latency kills the overall experience and competitive aspect of the game itself.
With a 200 ping constantly it is not only annoying South African players, but it is annoying the other 20-40 ping players from EU or US.

you post here they tell you to visit fortnite help. you go to fortnite help they tell you to email. you email they tell you to go to the forum. you go to the forum they dont respond to anything.

Nobody can give a straight answer about whether or not they care to have a server in the one continent they have not yet touched. Seems Epic Games has a problem with Africa.