Hello everyone, I apologize if this is in the wrong spot. I just want to know where do I go to get help downloading Unreal Engine 4.14.3? I e-mailed Epic directly and all they did is send me here.
I keep trying to download Unreal Engine 4.14.3 and it never finishes the download, instead my wifi adapter totally bugs out when it finishes the downloading stage and completely dies, my computer cannot even find it. Yes the drivers are up to date. Now because the adapter is out, the launcher cannot finish the progress and the only way to get the computer to read the adapter again is to unplug it and plug it back in. However this only happens with UE4 and what that is if I unplug and then try to re-plug the adapter back in, the entire computer locks up and I have to hard reset the computer. The launcher is also up to date, my previous UE version is 4.9.2. All I want to do is download the new version. Is there something going on with the download that totally shuts off and kills my wifi adapter? The adapter itself is a Netgear AC1200-USB Adapter. I play online games, run Discord, and other programs online with no problem. But one download through the Epic Launcher totally kills the adapter. Thanks for anyone willing to help.